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SOM 1.01 MANUALE OPERATIVO SPECIALE DEL GRUPPO MAJESTIC 12 n.1.01 Washington 25 D.C. aprile 1954 ENTITA’ E TECNOLOGIE EXTRATERRESTRI, RECUPERO E COLLOCAZIONE paragrafi pagina Capitolo 1———————— Operazione Majestic 12 Sezione 1 ————————Ambito e finalità del progetto 1-15 som(1)百度云资源由网友bx***13于2016-10-20 11:58:00分享,该文件的文件类型为 dir,属于百度云资源,文件大小为:---,累计点击2203次,下载次数为536次,归档分类为其它。 SOM 1-01 was evaluated as a fake by reputable UFO researchers, including MUFON's Richard H. Hall and Thomas P. Deuley: "The SOM-01-1 manual arrived in the mail to Don Berliner as a roll of film form an anonymous source. This immediately raises suspicions, since there is no identifiable source whose veracity and reputation can be checked and… SOM1-01: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal, April 1954 part 1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. "WARNING! This is a TOP SECRET-MAJIC EYES ONLY Document containing compartmentalized information essential to the national security of the United States. Wolfbane Cybernetic Home Page
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Author: jadair Created Date: 19981112193056Z NOUFORS Home Page The only way SOM 1-01 and other alleged "documentary proof" ofMJ-12 could conceivably be authenticated would be by locating a documentary paper trail of certifiably original documents in government archives, or in private papers of important people. Even then, allegedly authentic documents would need to be SOM 1-01 would be one in a series of planned manual since as can be seen from the foregoing the operation is more complicated than meets the eye. In the Appendix I we should see SOM 1-02, SOM 1-03, etc. with the dreaded term everyone in the military hates “TBP” To be published. 通过新浪微盘下载 som in china 国家建设中的建筑设计 som在中国的作品.pdf, 微盘是一款简单易用的网盘,提供超大免费云存储空间,支持电脑、手机 等终端的文档存储、在线阅读、免费下载、同步和分享是您工作、学习、生活 的必备工具! 10.01.2016 爱普生驱动及手册证书下载为您提供爱普生打印机、扫描仪、投影机等产品的产品手册、驱动程序、应用软件及操作手册下载服务,让您方便快捷完成产品驱动安装及设置,拥有更好的使用体验。
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