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Make notes on your iPhone, and access them on your Mac or iPad as well. After creating notes, share them with others directly from Evernote. For your business, you can create agendas, write memos, and craft presentations. For quick actions, make the most of 3D touch feature on your device. Price: Free (In-app Purchases start from $4.99) Download 4 年少轻狂 张碧晨 5 brother 王祖蓝 6 唱首新歌贺新年 路童 7 我乘着风飞过来 洪辰 8 阿尔山的姑娘 乌兰图雅 9 遇见东京的雨 孔垂楠 10 So Cool 李佳璐 11 世界上最美的花 水木年华 12 梦想起航 TFBOYS 13 Brotherhood VAV 14 尘 金志文 15 最美的情缘 魏新雨 7 Best iOS Apps to Download Music on iPhone/iPad For Free. Our beloved iPhone and iPad are great music players with amazing hardware and software features that enhance the overall music listening experience. However, you can only play songs online and it is not an easy task to download music on iPhone for free, unlike its Android counterparts. Compatibility: Requires iOS 12.4 or later. Pricing Model: Freemium (Contains in-app purchases) User Ratings: 4.6 out of 5. TIDAL is pop star Jay-Z’s music streaming service. Its huge fan following amongst people of all age demographics makes it the best mp3 player for iPhone available today. 4. jetAudio – Power Equalizer with Sound Enhancer. Another great player for iPhone users seeking various options to tweak playback, jetAudio is developed by the South Korean company COWON that manufactures portable media players. The jetAudio music player app on iPhone shows the majority of playback actions within the main player screen You need to have some third-party player to open your MP3 on your iPhone. Unfortunately for the Apple fans out there, there is no way to play MP3 files on iPhone without the side apps unless you transfer MP3 to iPhone using WALTR 2. While AirDrop is awesome for photos, contacts, voice memos, it has its limits when it comes to music or videos. Video to MP3 Converter is compatible with all devices running on Android 4.0 or later versions of the OS. You can use it to convert all video files on your phone to audio files, in just a few steps. Simply pick a video you’d like to convert, choose between MP3 and AAC output formats, add the metadata like the name of the artist or the song

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